An endangered species near you!

Spring is the time of year when California’s vernal pools are the busiest. There are abundant small crustaceans living out their short lives in these seasonal wetlands. One, listed as endangered, is the Vernal Pool Tadpole Shrimp– Lepidurus packardi.

The Return of the Kingbird!

With Swainson’s hawks beginning to trickle back into the area and sandhill cranes leaving, now is a great time to be on the lookout for returning resident birds.  One bird in particular to keep an eye out for is the western kingbird. Returning from wintering grounds in southern Mexico and Central America, this flycatcher typically […]

Meet the LCWC Board

The Council benefits greatly from the broad knowledge and experience of its Board members. We look forward to a productive year working on watershed stewardship projects, sharing information with the community, and supporting programs that protect and enhance our valuable natural resources for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations.

Why pick up trash?

This Saturday, September 20th, the LCWC, coordinating efforts with similar organizations around the state, is sponsoring the Great Sierra Clean Up along Laguna Creek. Similar clean ups will be occurring up and down the state. Why are so many people involved in this event, you might wonder?

Elk Grove Greening!

LCWC and partners meets with Elk Grove Public Works to discuss Greening Elk Grove. Greening refers to incorporating or retrofitting environmentally friendly designs into new and existing development, both commercial and residential. It could include such changes as removing grass and replacing it with drought tolerant plants or in new development, not using grass in the first place.

Creek Questions? Let’s hear them!

Turtles basking in the sun, egrets hunting at water’s edge, and baby ducklings swimming in a row are all possible sightings during LCWC’s semiannual Cruise the Creek event.

The Amazing Fairy Shrimp

Among California’s more curious creatures, fairy shrimp are a half-inch to an inch long and sport big, out-of-proportion eyes. Shrimp flip upside down to swim and beat their 11 pairs of legs in wavelike motion. But how is the drought affecting these little creatures…

Rainwater Calculator

Green infrastructure promotes the natural movement of water, instead of allowing it to wash into streets and down storm drains. Green infrastructure also has the added benefit of beautifying neighborhoods and increasing property values.