UPDATE: Check out the Elk Grove Greener Gardens Project brand new website! www.ElkGroveGreenerGardens.org
The 2013 event will be on Saturday April 13th 10am-4pm at Miwok Park 9344 Village Tree DrElk Grove, CA 95758
Register for the FREE garden tour here!
The outside water usage of an average home accounts for over 50% of our water use. Most of it is spent on watering lawns. According to the American Water Association, converting a 2500 sq foot lawn to low-water use plantings saves 372 gallons of water per day during the growing season. In just one year a person that converts their traditional landscaping can save 44,640 gallons of water.
The Elk Grove Greener Gardens Project is a group of local organizations, businesses and community members that want to share water conservation practices with the community in hopes of helping Elk Grove citizens limit their impact on the environment. Transitioning a traditional lawn into a Greener Garden includes many easy to implement, river-friendly practices with positive environmental results, including saving money
On April 15th The Elk Grove Greener Gardens Project will be holding the first Greener Gardens Festival and Tour. The Festival will be held at The Elk Grove Community Garden and McConnell Park from 10am-3pm. If you are interested in learning ways to make your garden more sustainable, this is the event for you. The Festival will cover many river-friendly principles that can transform your yard into a place that is beautiful and wildlife friendly, instead of harmful to the local environment. You will learn how to save water, energy and money. This Festival and self-guided garden tour is perfect for people learning the basics of greener gardening or anyone looking for new ideas. The Festival has a fantastic line-up of presentations and workshops covering everyone’s interests in water-wise and eco-friendly gardening. Come to the festival to learn about the many alternatives to the traditional lawn such as: native plants, U.C.Davis all-star plants and native sod. River-friendly landscaping practices are easy to implement and can help you reduce your impact on the environment by considering alternatives such as: composting, drip irrigation, and integrated pest management. A self-guided driving tour will allow you to actually see these practices in action. Elk Grove Greener Gardens has identified residences throughout Elk Grove that showcase these principles. On this tour you can take your time to visit the gardens that interest you the most. To register for the garden tour visit Lagunacreek.org or e-mail Amanda Platt at amanda-platt@carcd.org
Just read the write-up in The Sacramento Bee about this event and I hope to attend. Sounds interesting and I am looking forward to getting some landscaping ideas to replace our lawn.