Join us on the Woodring Drive  Bridge where the road crosses Morrison Creek on Saturday April 27th 10 to help protect the Oaks! Click here for map of project location.

George Waegell has been planting acorns in the open space in South Sacramento for years.  He has babied and cared for these acorns and now many of them are oak trees. George would like to invite you to join him on Saturday April 27th 10 am in Mather to help out the Oaks!

Click here for map of area.

Mather is a small community located near the retired Air Force Base, home of the fantastic SPLASH Center, and amazing vernal pools. Over many years George has planted many oak trees in the open space of this community, and now they are in dire need of help!

The open space around Mather has issues with thatched areas that are  uncontrolled by either natural or historical means such as seasonal fire or grazing. This thatched area can allow for overwhelming populations of voles, which are harmful to the Oaks. With many conservation and restoration issues it is important to view the entire ecosystem, when one aspect of the landscape is changed the system as a whole sometimes shifts or becomes imbalanced. With this imbalance people sometimes must step in and help out. George Weagell has spent tireless hours over many years to plant oak trees to enrich the ecosystem; he now needs some help from the community to protect these trees.

George and the Oaks need your help.  The voles destroyed dozens of his trees last year and he wants to protect them this year from another onslaught.

‘A Cry for Help’ from the Speaker of the Trees…

“THE EMBATTLED MORRISON CREEK OAKS NEED OUR HELP NOW! Women and Men….We will need pruning shears, weed eaters….riding mowers, gloves and the ability to get down on the ground and BACK UP AGAIN….I will provide tape and BLUE X TREE TUBES to wrap the trunks…I am 86 and wobbly but will be able to show TREE NUTS what needs to be done to FEND OFF THE VOLES….”

–George Weagell

Join us on the bridge on Woodring Drive where the road crosses Morrison Creek on Saturday April 27th 10am! Click here for map of project location.

For more information contact

GEORGE WAEGELL (916) 423-1771 or email