The Laguna Creek Watershed Council has been busy keeping up with all of the new development project applications that have come up in the LC Watershed recently. You can learn more about how LCWC is involved in the City planning process in one of our earlier blog posts HERE. The Council is gearing up to host a Creek Cleanup on September 21st, working towards planning our 3rd Cruise the Creek event scheduled for early November, finishing up our work plan in the next two weeks, and welcoming TWO NEW BOARD MEMBERS to the Council!!

To sum it up…We sure have been busy!

As a result the blog postings have been a little lighter than usual. But you can look forward to the Council gearing up in the near future. with seasonal habitat and animal posts, gardening tips, and much more!

And here is some lovely educational watershed information just to tide you over!

The unveiling of our newly created watershed map! Take a look, ask the Council any questions, and enjoy the watershed!!


Laguna Creek Watershed Map