SAVE THE DATE! Elk Grove Greener Gardens EXPO & Garden Tour – April 25th!

Enter to win a free ‘Greener’ Garden Landscape Design! The EXPO will feature hands-on demonstration stations and experts that will help you create a ‘greener’, more sustainable garden.
Acorn bounty this year!

This year it seems like we have an abundance of acorns from Valley Oaks. I’ve collected a bunch and plan to find places to plant them. California native oaks such as Valley, Blue, and Coastal Live Oaks, haven’t fared very well over the past decades. Either due to clearing fields for row crops, grazing, or […]
Morrison Creek, Oaks, and Voles… oh my! – an update
Last Saturday, April 27th, a small group of folks, organized by George Waegell, went out to Morrison Creek to try to rescue the oaks from voles. On the first oak preservation effort on April 27, only a small number of trees were pruned. A second outing is planned in the near future that will utilize power tools (hedge trimmers, chain saws, etc.). A tentative date of Saturday May 11th has been planned to finish the job.
Planting Season

Fall has arrived and so has the cooler temperatures, which translates to “the best season to plant”. I’d like to share with you some of the best variety of trees for the Sacramento Valley that can be planted now, and how to manage them.