Update on Laguna Creek Stream Corridor Vegetation Removal

In response to recent vegetation removal along Laguna Creek, members of the LCWC met with the Director of Public Works, Bob Murdoch, and city staff this past week. The Council presented a strategy for reaching the goal of stabilizing and re-vegetating the banks of Laguna Creek south of the Bond Road bridge. We had a […]
Dwindling Snowpack = Dwindling Groundwater

The ongoing drought has created some unique and extraordinary conditions throughout the western US. California in particular is enduring some extremely dry conditions with limited to no snow pack in the Sierra Nevada Mountains this spring. These mountains supply about 1/3 of our state water supply in an average year.
Rain, Rain, Rain

The Laguna Creek watershed is home to several protected grassland areas that are runoff uplands for vernal pools. They are filling with this week’s rain and the cycle begins anew.
Citizen Science

Citizen naturalists are people concerned about the environment who choose to help make a difference both locally and nationally. They spend time outside, observing nature with a critical eye.
Anyone can be a citizen naturalist – all you need is a passion for nature and helping your community! Read more to find fun ways to be a citizen scientist!