2015 Mather Workday at Morrison Creek

Just a quick post to show some beautiful pictures from our workday on Sunday. Thanks to everyone who volunteered their time! It was a great day!
An endangered species near you!

Spring is the time of year when California’s vernal pools are the busiest. There are abundant small crustaceans living out their short lives in these seasonal wetlands. One, listed as endangered, is the Vernal Pool Tadpole Shrimp– Lepidurus packardi.
The Amazing Fairy Shrimp

Among California’s more curious creatures, fairy shrimp are a half-inch to an inch long and sport big, out-of-proportion eyes. Shrimp flip upside down to swim and beat their 11 pairs of legs in wavelike motion. But how is the drought affecting these little creatures…
Cruise the Creek!

Mark your calendar and dust off your bikes… it’s time for our fall Cruise the Creek event on Saturday, November 16th!
Rain, Rain, Rain

The Laguna Creek watershed is home to several protected grassland areas that are runoff uplands for vernal pools. They are filling with this week’s rain and the cycle begins anew.