Morrison Creek, Oaks, and Voles… oh my! – an update
Last Saturday, April 27th, a small group of folks, organized by George Waegell, went out to Morrison Creek to try to rescue the oaks from voles. On the first oak preservation effort on April 27, only a small number of trees were pruned. A second outing is planned in the near future that will utilize power tools (hedge trimmers, chain saws, etc.). A tentative date of Saturday May 11th has been planned to finish the job.
Oak Trees in Need of Help

Join us on the bridge on Woodring Drive where the road crosses Morrison Creek on Saturday April 27th 10 am!
George Waegell has been planting acorns in the open space in South Sacramento for years. He has babied and cared for these acorns and now many of them are oak trees. George would like to invite you to join him on Saturday April 27th in Mather to help out the Oaks!