Dwindling Snowpack = Dwindling Groundwater

The ongoing drought has created some unique and extraordinary conditions throughout the western US. California in particular is enduring some extremely dry conditions with limited to no snow pack in the Sierra Nevada Mountains this spring. These mountains supply about 1/3 of our state water supply in an average year.
An endangered species near you!

Spring is the time of year when California’s vernal pools are the busiest. There are abundant small crustaceans living out their short lives in these seasonal wetlands. One, listed as endangered, is the Vernal Pool Tadpole Shrimp– Lepidurus packardi.
Walk at Stone Lakes Wildlife Refuge
On a chilly, foggy Saturday morning after Thanksgiving, 65 people of all ages met docent Ray Mendonza at the end of Elk Grove Blvd. for a hike through the wetlands of the SLNWR. This is where the water from Laguna Creek and all of its tributaries ends up! What we do in the watersheds affects […]