Last Sunday morning, May 3rd, about 30 people gathered at Jack Hill Park in east Elk Grove to assemble bird and duck boxes. A lot of birds like to set up nest in dead tree cavities. There aren’t many along Laguna Creek anymore. The trees that have been planted in recent years are too young to serve as habitat but we can help these critters out by putting up boxes. That’s what we did last Sunday morning. One of the teachers at Harriet Eddy Middle School and her students built two of the duck boxes. An Elk Grove City councilman and his son showed up to help out and a bunch of community residents, some even from Sacramento, helped assemble and hang the boxes. The pictures tell the story. We’ll be installing more boxes in the future along different reaches of Elk Grove and Laguna Creek…stayed tuned.


Winners of the two bird boxes given away. Lucky ducks….for their backyards

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The small group heading off to hang one of the wood duck boxes

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Hard at Work

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One of the wood duck boxes after Steve, the Council’s resident wildlife biologist, and crew hung it on a pole. The poles were installed by City staff.

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The crew that assembled all the boxes. Thanks to the City of Elk Grove for providing financial support for the event.  A big thank you also goes out to everyone who showed up to lend a helping hand on Sunday!

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5 Responses

    1. Thanks! We had a great time as well. Thanks also to the City of Elk Grove and all of the volunteers!

  1. My son and I enjoyed building the bird house and in helping our little creatures prosper. Awesome!