Update on Laguna Creek Stream Corridor Vegetation Removal

In response to recent vegetation removal along Laguna Creek, members of the LCWC met with the Director of Public Works, Bob Murdoch, and city staff this past week. The Council presented a strategy for reaching the goal of stabilizing and re-vegetating the banks of Laguna Creek south of the Bond Road bridge. We had a […]
Swallows In The House!

Hello, Watershed! Just wanted to follow up on the report about our preseason bird box check and maintenance we wrote about here. Last week we noticed that a pair of tree swallows were shuttling nest material into one of our newly installed passerine boxes. We decided to set up with a camera over the weekend and […]
Spring In Full Swing!

Spring is in full swing along Laguna Creek (even though it is officially still winter). The western redbuds are in bloom and the interior live oaks are also in bloom and sprouting new leaves. The fields of mustard are magnificent and other wild flowers are starting to show up. During an hour long […]
Great Sierra River Cleanup 2015

Join in the Fun…..Help clean up rivers and streams that drain to the ocean, then celebrate! The California coast is full of trash that came from the upland watersheds, like Laguna Creek. Some of that trash even makes it out to the miles-wide Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Recent studies show that 60% of seabirds have […]
Creek Week is Right Around the Corner

We all know Creek Week is a time to get out on the creeks and get our hands dirty, but did you know it’s also a great time to go on local tours, or celebrate with other creek volunteers? Sign up to view beavers, birds, blooms, fish, or habitat restoration efforts on one of the […]
Let’s Cruise the Creek!

The Second Cruise the Creek is coming up. Bring a bike, scooter, tandem or unicycle and join us to learn about Laguna Creek!
When: Sunday June 2nd 2013 10am to Noon
Where: Del Meyer Park, Elk Grove
Leisurely 5 mile docent led bike tour along Laguna Creek.
Citizen Science

Citizen naturalists are people concerned about the environment who choose to help make a difference both locally and nationally. They spend time outside, observing nature with a critical eye.
Anyone can be a citizen naturalist – all you need is a passion for nature and helping your community! Read more to find fun ways to be a citizen scientist!
Water Hyacinth in the Laguna Creek Watershed

Water Hyacinth has moved into the Laguna Creek watershed neighborhood. Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), a rapidly growth aquatic plant, is rated as one of the most invasive plants by the California Invasive Plant Council.