Drought Care for Trees

As the drought continues, our urban forest is in need of extra care. Here are some simple ways to care for your trees while saving water.
Dwindling Snowpack = Dwindling Groundwater

The ongoing drought has created some unique and extraordinary conditions throughout the western US. California in particular is enduring some extremely dry conditions with limited to no snow pack in the Sierra Nevada Mountains this spring. These mountains supply about 1/3 of our state water supply in an average year.
The Amazing Fairy Shrimp

Among California’s more curious creatures, fairy shrimp are a half-inch to an inch long and sport big, out-of-proportion eyes. Shrimp flip upside down to swim and beat their 11 pairs of legs in wavelike motion. But how is the drought affecting these little creatures…
Drought Strains Central Valley Groundwater Resources

The UC Center for Hydrologic Modeling released a preliminary update to their
previous work on water storage changes in the Sacramento and San Joaquin River
basins. Check out the report summary here.
Rain Garden in Action

One of the LCWC members of the Board who lives in Camden replaced grass in his front lawn with a rain garden a number of years ago.
“Living beyond a sustainable level has consequences.”

Looking through the Sacramento Bee an article published this week popped out at me. The article talks about Sacramento area water use and limitations that this area will face in the near future… “Living beyond a sustainable level has consequences. We’re going to have to bring the use of water into a reasonable balance with available supplies.”