Cliff Swallows- Coming to a Bridge Near You!

Have you ever seen a flock of birds flying near a bridge in Elk Grove, zipping about like a tiny squadron of fighter planes? Chances are, you were looking at a nesting colony of cliff swallows. Swallows are known aerial acrobats and they feed by catching insects on the wing. They were named for their natural […]
Mather Vernal Pool Work Day, March 22, 2015

The vernal pool open space area along Morrison Creek was the gathering place for a group of watershed council members and friends this past Sunday morning. We came to prune and wrap oak trees planted along the creek, adjacent to the Independence at Mather community. The voles seem to be eating the bark on a […]
Why pick up trash?

This Saturday, September 20th, the LCWC, coordinating efforts with similar organizations around the state, is sponsoring the Great Sierra Clean Up along Laguna Creek. Similar clean ups will be occurring up and down the state. Why are so many people involved in this event, you might wonder?
Creek Questions? Let’s hear them!

Turtles basking in the sun, egrets hunting at water’s edge, and baby ducklings swimming in a row are all possible sightings during LCWC’s semiannual Cruise the Creek event.
Rain Garden in Action

One of the LCWC members of the Board who lives in Camden replaced grass in his front lawn with a rain garden a number of years ago.
Cruise the Creek!

Mark your calendar and dust off your bikes… it’s time for our fall Cruise the Creek event on Saturday, November 16th!
Laguna Creek Cleanup!

Creek Cleanups are a great way to get involved and enjoy the outdoors. While planning for the creek cleanup the Council saw a bunch of great wildlife; 2 great blue herons, a crane, and plenty of turtles!Join the Laguna Creek Watershed Council in September for a CREEK CLEANUP!
When: September 21st, Saturday 9am-Noon
Where: 8760 Center Parkway, Elk Grove, CA 95758
Please register by emailing Lizz Gaylord at
New and Improved Laguna Creek Watershed Map

The unveiling of our newly created watershed map! Take a look, ask the Council any questions, and enjoy the watershed!!
Let’s Cruise the Creek!

The Second Cruise the Creek is coming up. Bring a bike, scooter, tandem or unicycle and join us to learn about Laguna Creek!
When: Sunday June 2nd 2013 10am to Noon
Where: Del Meyer Park, Elk Grove
Leisurely 5 mile docent led bike tour along Laguna Creek.
Laguna Creek Clean-up!

35 Creek Week volunteers turned out on April 13 to remove a half-ton of garbage from the North Laguna Creek Wetlands.