CRUISE THE CREEK! May 7, 2017 from 9 AM – 12 PM

Join us on a bird-box building, creek exploring adventure!
Swallows In The House!

Hello, Watershed! Just wanted to follow up on the report about our preseason bird box check and maintenance we wrote about here. Last week we noticed that a pair of tree swallows were shuttling nest material into one of our newly installed passerine boxes. We decided to set up with a camera over the weekend and […]
Explore the Creek for the Birds

Last Sunday morning, May 3rd, about 30 people gathered at Jack Hill Park in east Elk Grove to assemble bird and duck boxes.
Explore (and help) the Creek!

We are all familiar with the sound of a woodpecker drumming on a tree searching for food or building a nest site. But what about the many other bird species that nest deep inside tree limbs but don’t have the means to create their own home? Join the Laguna Creek Watershed Council this Sunday as we lend a helping hand (wing?) to some of our feathered, cavity-nesting friends.
Creek Questions? Let’s hear them!

Turtles basking in the sun, egrets hunting at water’s edge, and baby ducklings swimming in a row are all possible sightings during LCWC’s semiannual Cruise the Creek event.
Cruise the Creek!

Mark your calendar and dust off your bikes… it’s time for our fall Cruise the Creek event on Saturday, November 16th!
Exploring the History of Bicycles

Check out the photos from the LCWC Cruise the Creek event and learn a little bit about the history of the modern day bicycle.
Let’s Cruise the Creek!

The Second Cruise the Creek is coming up. Bring a bike, scooter, tandem or unicycle and join us to learn about Laguna Creek!
When: Sunday June 2nd 2013 10am to Noon
Where: Del Meyer Park, Elk Grove
Leisurely 5 mile docent led bike tour along Laguna Creek.